What is Hospice?
Hospice provides holistic care…treating the mind, body and spirit of those persons nearing the end of life’s journey.
Hospice team member will provide support and assist you in making decision about how and where you want to spend the rest of your life,
Hospice provides palliative care, so you no longer have to endure treatments and procedures.
Hospice provides support to family and friends as they travel the journey with their loved one.
Why Hospice?
Hospice treats you, not the disease. The focus is on care not cure. A team of Hospice professionals and volunteers addresses your and your family's medical, social, emotional, and spiritual needs.
Hospice services are extended to your family, with your authorization. You and your family are included in the decision-making process.
Hospice will help you and your family makes choices about end of life issues and enables you to have greater control over these choices. Bereavement counseling will be provided to your family for up to thirteen months.
Hospice offers palliative care, rather than curative treatment. Hospice will provide care and comfort when care is no longer an option. Through ever advancing technology, pain and symptoms control will enable you to live as fully and comfortably as possible.
Hospice promotes quality of life.
Why do people enter hospice?
People with terminal illness enters hospice because of the reasons below:
frequent visits to the ER or hospital admissions
a decline in their ability to perform daily tasks including eating, getting dressed, walking, or using the bathroom
changes to their mental abilities
progressive weight loss
skin tears, infections, and other signs of deteriorating health
an increase in falls
Who pays for Hospice?
Medicare Part A (which all of the above are eligible for) covers all services, medications, and equipment provided through a hospice program. If you are a Medicare recipient, you can receive hospice care.